
A single ripe avocado with a dark green, textured skin is placed on a light background. The avocado appears fresh and ready to eat, highlighting its rough surface and pear-like shape.
A single ripe avocado with a dark green, textured skin is placed on a light background. The avocado appears fresh and ready to eat, highlighting its rough surface and pear-like shape.

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Besuchen Sie uns in Uganda für hochwertige Vanille und Avocados. Ökologisch produziert und höchste Exportqualität.


Geisthardt Fruits & Spicies L.L.C MM Building Mukasa Road Bukoto Kampala - Uganda

Call/WA+971585389896 WA+4915211562612 Call/WA+256757228982

Mail: info@geisthardtfruits.com

MM Building Mukasa Road Bukoto Kampala - Uganda